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Revising the PH1 Paper

I just wanted to give you all a quick update on the PH1 paper.  We submitted the paper in October to a scientific journal, Astrophysical Journal. We got a few months ago feedback from the referee (another scientist in the field who reads the paper, gives to the editor his/her opinion on if the paper is worthy of publication, and many times raise issues or concerns he/she would like to see addressed before publication will be recommended).  Recently, I’ve been working on finishing the response to the referee’s report. I have been making changes and edits to the text to address the specific  concerns and questions raised by the referee. I think the changes make it a stronger paper. I sent the revised manuscript to the rest of the coauthors last night. I’m waiting for their comments and feedback. Hopefully in the next few weeks, we’ll have the paper resubmitted to the journal and referee. With any luck, hopefully the paper will be accepted soon after that. I’ll keep you updated on our progress.

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