Thanks to everyone’s efforts we’ve nearly completed all of Quarter 7 data. Last week, Quarter 14 was uploaded and went live on the site. Quarter 14 is the most recent Kepler observations to be released by NASA during Kepler’s extended mission. It covers observations spanning June 28th – October 3rd 2012 (the last full Quarter during the primary mission).Quarter 14 was processed and made available on the MAST (Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes) public archive in early February. With Q7 mostly done, we decided to jump ahead and show the data as close to off the telescope as we could get!
As with any new Quarter, there are now new opportunities to find previously unknown planets. Quarter 14 was released to both the Kepler team and to the public at the same time in February. Quarter 14 has yet to fully analyzed by the Kepler team. The Kepler team has released their list of potential transit detections from Quarters 1-12 in December and list of planet candidates from Quarters 1-8 in January. So there may very likely be never before seen transits found in Q14.
You might have also noticed a change in the naming of the light curves, and that the APH ids now significantly differ from the SPH ID. We basically ran out of namespace to do the SPH-APH mapping well, so we’ve switched over to this new naming system. You can tell what SPH star and Kepler ID correspond to the light curve you are looking at by going to the Talk page for the light curve and clicking on Examine Star (that will take you to the source page). The APH ids still can tell you what quarter of Kepler data you’re looking at. The quarter identifier comes right after “APH” . Before Q14, it was a number (1-7). Now for Q14, we are using “E” to denote 14. The next number following the quarter identifier, still tells you which chunk of Q14 you’re looking at.