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Live Chat Today

We’re having a live chat today with science team members Tabetha Boyajian (Yale University),  Chris Lintott (University of Oxford/Adler Planetarium), and  Meg Schwamb (Yale University). starting at 4pm BST/ 11 am EDT /8 am PDT/3pm GMT.

There’s lots to talk about today including the failure of Kepler’s reaction wheel 4 and updates on Planet Hunters science. Join us here to watch the live video feed. You’ll also be able to find us on the Zooniverse Google+ Page. If you can’t watch live, the video is recorded and will be available to view here later.

If you have questions for the Planet Hunters team you can ask them, either by leaving a comment here on the blog or by tweeting us @planethunters.

Thanks for watching. You can find the TCE review at and as always you can classify light curves at


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