We’re a few weeks away from Nantes where Chris and I will be attending the EPSC-DPS meeting to present results from Planet Hunters (and for me I’ll present a poster on my KBO work as well). Our talk will be on October 4th. We’ve been working hard to get results for Nantes, and we’re asking for your help.
We are looking for volunteers to help screen the Q1 light curves a second time to make a final list of transit candidates. We’ve narrowed the list of potential light curves down, and we need your help identifying which of those have two or more transits.
If you’d like to join in, go to http://review.planethunters.org. On the review site, you’ll see for each light curve the plotted transit boxes made by the zooites who reviewed the light curve (in blue) to guide your eye. You’ll be asked to determine if there are at least two transits in the light curve based on the what’s flagged inside the transit boxes and what you see in the light curve. The review site works differently than the Planet Hunters interface, so please do check out the introduction and help material.
