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Finishing the Q1 data in time for Nantes

Thanks to your hard work, in October, we will be presenting the first results from Planet Hunters at the European Planetary Science Congress and American Astronomical Society’s Division of Planetary Sciences joint EPSC-DPS meeting in Nantes, France.  We will be giving a talk at the meeting, showing the results from your classifications of the first Quarter of Kepler data including the abundances of short period planets with periods less than 15 days. I’m making progress on my selection algorithms to come up with a list of planet candidates from all of your classifications.

But we still  need your help! The ~6,000  light curves held back from the original Quarter 1 data  release and subsequently released this February have been available on the site since May, and we need your help finishing them in time for Nantes. We’ve been  showing these Q1 light curves  interspersed in the Q2 light curves (at a rate of about 1 in 10), so you can still look at the latest and newest Q2 data, and have about 3000 still in need of classifications. We need more clicks. We need your helping classifying them so we can perform a final search of all the Quarter 1 data for  planet candidates and present them in October.  Thanks for all your help, and I plan to share  more as the work and progress continues.

Many Thanks,



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