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Intro to Python

Being able to interact with data is very important as a researcher, and one of the best ways to do that is with coding. The most commonly used coding language in in astronomy is called Python, so that's what we'll be using on Planet Hunters Coffee Chat!

Code can be used to plot and visualise data, to calculate parameters and to keep track of large datasets. Watch the videos below to find out more on how you can get started. 

Intro to Python 0: How do you start using Jupyter Notebooks to find exoplanets? 
Kassie begins her coding journey! Nora introduces Jupyter Notebooks, and how citizen scientists can use Python to interact with TESS data. Click on the bwlo 
Intro to Python 0: How do you start using Jupyter Notebooks to find exoplanets? 
This tutorial covers how to download TESS data using the lightkurve tool and how to plot it. To get started, open the Colab notebook (this can be found online and doesn’t require installation; however, a Google account is needed). Alternatively, if you have Jupyter notebook already installed on your computer, download the provided Jupyter notebook file and open with your local version of the program. If you haven't already we recommend you watch last weeks video on how to get started with Python.


Click the logos below to open up the Colab notebook or to download the Jupyter notebook. You can use these to follow along with the video.
Getting started with LK
Downloading data
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