Welcome to Planet Hunters Coffee Chat!
Imagine sitting in a coffee shop with friends having a catch up about science in space – exciting new planet discoveries and the astronomers who find them, the resources they used to track planet transits, and why this is important.
Planet Hunters Coffee Chat is just this – a community-driven, citizen science gathering of like-minded people. Whether you're new to citizen science projects or have previously participated, the Planet Hunters Coffee Chat team will empower you with the same tools and resources that astronomers use to make credible discoveries while sifting through data.
What do you want to ask an astronomer? Are you curious about coding? Your involvement will guide this project. Your participation will grow this community. The information and tutorials you need to assist astronomers in discovering exoplanets - planets outside our Solar System - will be available to you in a variety of formats: videos, documents, and coding scripts.
Planet Hunters Coffee Chat works in collaboration with Zooniverse, University of Oxford, and NASA Ames Research Center and is complementary to the Planet Hunters TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) project, which provides vast quantities of data
that enable us to look for exoplanets.
Grab your favorite Coffee Chat drink and join us. Make a real contribution to science!
latest video!
Using radial velocities to detect and characterise planets
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New here?
Get started with our introduction video where we explain everything you need to know about Planet Hunters Coffee Chat! Or brows through the videos under the 'tutorials' and jump right in with the topic that you're most interested in.
Latest blog
Click on the image below to read the latest blog on a triple star system that was recently identified by Planet Hunters TESS volunteers!
planet hunters TESS

Planet Hunters TESS is a citizen science project, hosted by the Zooniverse platform, designed to find transiting exoplanets. Whether you're interested in planets, want to contribute to real science, or work on a challenging project, join the search for distant worlds!